
Ljubljana Marshes Wheel - Ljubljana, Slovenia
Built circa 5,200 BC | Discovered 2002

my Mission

Entertain    •    Educate

I hope that you find my rhymes both entertaining and informative! 

THE PAST - Historical Perspective, Context, and Contemporaries

I think that we don’t always have a good sense of WHEN things happened in history.  We may have a good sense of when SOME things happened and a sense of SOME things that were contemporaries.  But the past is so big that, for the most part, history just becomes one large monolithic unit.  We hear about something, and we just know that it happened IN THE PAST.  But that doesn’t necessarily mean much to us.

One of my goals with this website is to help provide a sense of the historical timeline.  I want to help people visualize the order in which things happened, how long ago they occurred, and what people, events, etc. were historical contemporaries.

I also hope to introduce people to new areas they had not previously known about.  Hopefully, new insights or perspectives about familiar topics will also be found.

our ancestors - They built our World!

Another goal of mine is to honor the struggles, achievements, triumphs, and suffering of those who came before us (including our ancestors and animals).  They built and shaped for us the world in which we live today.  Their sacrifices and achievements are vast and humbling.  We are blessed to benefit from their contributions and also blessed by the hindsight that gives us the ability to try to learn from their mistakes.

Although inventors, discoverers, and pioneers are the main subjects of these rhymes, the honoring of the billions of others who helped make their visions reality through their everyday efforts should be implicit.  On a more mundane level, our world was built by those who just got up every day, put one foot in front of the other, and went to work.  Voluntary or not, inside or outside of the home, they made it happen.  Physical labor, nurturing, seeking truth, sharing their thoughts, and just existing as members of the world.  We are forever in their debt.

I also recognize and honor that all of it is by the grace of God.  I try to include as many alternative views and perspectives as possible.  I believe this makes our lives richer, sharpens our ability to think, keeps us learning and growing, and helps us to better understand each other.  So whether you believe in God or not, I hope that you enjoy my site!

A Note About Veracity

I spend a lot of time researching topics and try to be as accurate as I can.  It is impossible to get everything absolutely correct when it comes to history.  The recording of history will almost always be biased in many different ways.  To address this, I try to do as much research as I can and provide as many alternative views as I can.

If you see something on my site that you think is factually incorrect, please contact me.

If you feel that something needs more information added, needs more context or clarification, or you would just like to discuss the topic, please visit the Say Rhymes Forums and share your thoughts.

Bringing Rhyme and Reason to the World!

Obviously, THE PAST is so immense that none of us will ever be able to get our heads around the totality of it, let alone get a completely accurate picture of it.  But this website is my attempt to do my part to bring a little rhyme and reason to the world!  I hope you enjoy it!


All content on this site is created by Jennifer Garth.

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Copyright © 2023 Jennifer Garth


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